JB Music Group offers studio recording, mixing and pastering in high-end studio faslilties.

Wether your looking to record and produce your next single/album, or need voiceovers for a commercial or short film, we got you coverd.



Do you want to record your song in a professional studio?

We offer professional recording with our skilled and experienced engineers.

We give you constructive feedback along the way and assistance with "vocal coaching" so you get the results you want.


After you have written, recorded, and produced your song, it is time to "polish" or mix the song so that it shines.

We offer a professional mix with state-of-the-art equipment performed by our skilled engineers, with their many years of experience and put all their knowledge into the song to get the results you want.


Do you have a dream of being able to release your own music?

We offer professional production of our skilled and experienced producers.


Are you looking for a studio to make a recording for commercials?

We offer a professional recording with our skilled and experienced engineers. That has good experience with voice over for advertising projects.


Have you written your own song and want to have it recorded in a professional way or do you need help writing your song completely?

We offer a recording with state-of-the-art equipment and we can also help you finish writing the song.


Do you want to learn more about music production or experience what it is like to work in a studio?

We offer music lessons conducted by certified music teachers in music production.